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Many of my friends thought I was crazy to leave a great position at Google to help parents and kids learn about money. Maybe they’re right.

我的许多朋友都认为我为在谷歌上任职以帮助父母和孩子了解金钱而感到疯狂。 也许他们是对的。

Building a creative, engaging app to teach financial literacy to kids is challenging. But it’s also important work.

建立一个富有创意的,引人入胜的应用程序来向孩子们传授金融知识是一项挑战。 但这也是重要的工作。

Given that many schools aren’t yet teaching personal finance in the classroom, I felt compelled to make this work my mission.


I founded Pennybox with a simple yet audacious goal: educate kids and families about money. Before I started coding, I spoke with hundreds of parents and asked them this question: Do you teach your kids about money and what are the results?

我创建Pennybox的目的是一个简单而又大胆的目标:教育孩子和家庭有关钱的知识。 在开始编码之前,我与数百名父母进行了交谈,并向他们询问了这个问题:您是否教孩子有关钱的知识,结果如何?

What I learned was surprising: while all parents thought that financial education was important to the well being of their children, few actively taught financial topics at home, or felt empowered or sufficiently skilled to do so.


父母如何教我关于金钱的知识 (How my parents taught me about money)

When I was younger, my parents gave me a book about fun ways to earn and save money. I remember reading it and appreciating the photos of money and the story about how a pile of coins would grow over time if managed properly. I was fascinated from the start.

我小的时候,父母给我写了一本关于赚钱和省钱的有趣方式的书。 我记得读过这篇文章,欣赏了金钱的照片,以及有关如何正确管理一堆硬币将随着时间增长的故事。 从一开始我就着迷。

I was lucky. My parents had taken time to buy me the book, and made sure I read and understood it. Even better, they provided me a hands-on environment in which to apply and practice the lessons I learned. They called this “learning by doing.”

我很幸运。 我父母花了一些时间给我买这本书,并确保我阅读并理解了这本书。 更好的是,它们为我提供了动手实践的环境,可以在其中应用和实践我所学的课程。 他们称此为“边做边学”。

They’d give me small amounts of money for doing chores and helping out around the community. By “” the lessons I read came to life. I was able to gain a deeper understanding of important topics, like how to budget and save.

他们会给我少量的钱来做家务和在社区中提供帮助。 通过“ ”,我读到的课程变得生动起来。 我对重要的主题有了更深入的了解,例如如何预算和节省。

For kids unable to learn about money at home, the classroom should be an obvious place to turn. But this isn’t the case. Only 17 US states require any financial education for their students. Ultimately when kids are “undereducated” about money, society picks up the bill.

对于无法在家中学习金钱的孩子,教室应该是一个明显的转折点。 但是事实并非如此。 美国只有17个州要求其学生接受任何金融教育。 最终,当孩子们对金钱“不了解”时,社会就会付账。

Technology is a perfect medium to help solve this problem.


我在构建Pennybox的经验教训 (Lessons that I’m building Pennybox around)

Below, I’ve distilled the key lessons from my experiences with money. These are the most important lessons I learned and it is my desire to pass this knowledge on — to you or your own children, to your friends that have kids, and to anyone that is struggling to maintain their financial health. And they are insights I’m building into Pennybox.

下面,我从我的金钱经验中总结了关键的教训。 这些是我学到的最重要的课程,我希望将这些知识传递给您或您自己的孩子,有孩子的朋友以及任何为维持财务状况而努力的人。 它们是我正在Pennybox中构建的见解。

第1课:通过做真实的事情来赚钱 (Lesson 1: Earn real money for doing real things)

Key Takeaway: A dollar earned is a good thing


When I was in high school I had a summer job. My duties were primarily janitorial, and I earned minimum wage. Nothing taught me faster the value of money than counting how much I earned per hour and multiplying the number of hours I worked times my pay rate.

当我上高中时,我有一个暑假工作。 我的职责主要是管家,我赚了最低工资。 没有什么比教我每小时赚多少钱,我将工作小时数乘以薪水率来教我货币价值更快的了。

My daily take home salary was roughly $25. After that job I saw price tags — for food, clothes, travel, and education — in a very different light. I thought about costs not just in terms of money but in terms of time. I had never appreciated this relationship until I first started working and began earning real money for doing real things.

我的日常带回家的薪水大约是25美元。 在完成这项工作后,我看到了价格标签-包括食物,衣服,旅行和教育的价格-完全不同。 我不仅考虑金钱,还考虑时间。 直到我开始工作并开始通过做真实的事情赚到真钱之前,我从未对这种关系感到满意。

第2课:保存 (Lesson 2: Save)

Key Takeaway: Don’t end up like Gorbachev’s economy

During the Cold War, former USSR leader Mikhail Gorbachev was asked about the health of the Soviet economy. He replied: “good.” When pressed to explain his answer in more than one word, he answered: “not good.”

在冷战期间,前苏联领导人米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)被问及苏联经济的健康状况。 他回答:“好。” 当被迫用一个多词解释他的答案时,他回答:“不好。”

This story reminds me of many people’s attitudes towards saving. If you ask your friends if saving money is important, they will all reply yes. But how many actually do so?

这个故事使我想起了许多人对储蓄的态度。 如果您问朋友省钱是否重要,他们都会回答。 但是实际上有多少呢?

In order to build an economic foundation, real money must actually be saved and set aside.


第三课:投资 (Lesson 3: Invest)

Key Takeaway: Love is a powerful force, but so is compound interest. Invest for the future.
要点:爱是强大的力量,复利也是如此。 为未来投资。

A child was once asked during an exam: “what is the strongest force on earth?” Their reply: “love.”

一次考试中有人问过一个孩子:“地球上最强大的力量是什么?” 他们的回答是:“爱”。

While the sentiment is certainly admirable, a more scientifically correct answer would have been the strong nuclear force.


I would argue that there is yet another force of almost equal strength: compound interest.


Investing wisely is crucial for making money work for you — or your kids — in the future. Albert Einstein understood this well:

明智的投资对于将来为您(或您的孩子)赚钱至关重要。 爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)非常了解:

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it…he who doesn’t…pays it.” — Albert Einstein
“复合兴趣是世界的第八大奇迹。 懂得的人赚了……不付钱的人。” - 艾尔伯特爱因斯坦

第4课: (Lesson 4: )

Key takeaway: No matter how slow or fast, crossing the finish line is memorable. Get to the finish line.
关键要点:无论速度有多慢,越过终点线都是令人难忘的。 到达终点。

Money should be earned, saved, and invested — in that order. Money that is left over should be spent thoughtfully.

应当按照该顺序赚钱,储蓄和投资。 剩下的钱应该谨慎地花费。

The wise allocation of money is similar to the preservation of energy at the start of a long run. You need to expend resources, but make sure you have enough to make it to the finish line.

明智的货币分配类似于长期运行时的节能。 您需要花费资源,但要确保有足够的资源来达到终点。

Know what you want and know what you need. Distinguish between the two in order to reach the end of the race.

知道您想要什么,知道您需要什么。 区分两者以达到比赛结束。

关键课程5:捐赠 (Key Lesson 5: Donate)

Key Takeaway: Be generous, be kind. Money is a tool. Use it to help others.
关键要点:大方,善良。 金钱是一种工具。 用它来帮助别人。

Anne Frank wrote that “no one has ever become poor by giving.”

安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)写道:“没有人会因为施舍而变得贫穷。”

If you’re reading this article a few things must be true:


  • you are literate

  • you have an internet connection

  • and you own at least one device.


You are doing quite well by global standards — and can afford to help others. But why wait until adulthood? Kids must learn that being financially literate is about taking some money and using it to empower charities, non-profits, or community initiatives. Children can learn to donate just like they learn to read and write.

按照全球标准,您做得很好,并且有能力帮助他人。 但是为什么要等到成年呢? 孩子们必须学习懂财务知识是要花一些钱,并用它来增强慈善机构,非营利组织或社区活动的能力。 孩子们可以像学习阅读和写作一样学会捐赠。

I’m deeply grateful my parents gave me a book and a hands-on environment to learn basic money skills while I was a child.


A world where people are educated about money — and know how to earn, save, invest, spend thoughtfully, and donate — is a world I want to live in and one that I am trying to create.


Thanks for reading. If you want to get in touch you can reach me at , my latest effort to help families work from home and make the most of their time and their money.

谢谢阅读。 如果您想取得联系,可以通过我 ,这是我最近一次帮助家庭在家工作并充分利用自己的时间和金钱的努力。




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